Beginning were you are!

Published on 25 May 2024 at 15:22

Throughout my journey to find myself in these times of chaos and uncovering the truth, I have found that starting where you are is the most powerful tool that can generate a future filled with a world of amazing possibilities. May that be good or bad, is on you. After all, we are what we think we are and what we think attracts our future. I have known this to be true from both sides of the story. My story is a story from dark to light, uncovering truths and pain along the way in order to heal and create alchemy, which in turn helps us to understand why things happen and to try and not do so bad in the future. I've laughed, I've loved, I've ached and I've healed. None of it has been easy but hopefully if my words resonate with you, then you can take from my path a little knowledge and apply it in your life so maybe the future can be brighter for you too.

I thought i started my spiritual journey in 2010, when I read the Celestine Prophecy, recommended to my by a previous partner that gave me a step up on the spiritual ladder of life. However, looking back, I remember being about 8 and thinking there's got to be more to life than just this after witnessing a foreign war being pushed by the media on TV! Although I always knew I could tap into my abilities, I closed them off for a very long time in order to survive the life I had without going mad. It was only when I began to do shadow work on myself, did these abilities start to manifest in my life and help to guide me on my path. I did fall off my path, shall we say, many times but my guides always helped me to get back on and my innate need for higher knowledge was always in the forefront of my thoughts. I began to become addicted to Spiritual books, I read anything and everything that was of a spiritual nature, I couldn't stop, for the first time in my life I had found something that I was truly passionate about and knew I needed to know absolutely everything there was to know about The Spiritual Path, The Way of the Warrior and Alchemy. I still felt a connection to the consciousness of Christ and that lineage but I had to experience a few other paths first. dark paths primarily, before I could totally understand who I was. I always say, sometimes its best to go through what you don't want in order to understand what you do want. It kind of helps you choose whats right for you when you experience suffering because it makes you realize just how strong you are and what your not willing to accept in life any longer. So it becomes a part of your healing and becomes a part of your story. Hopefully from my story, others can understand the dark in the light and the light in the dark without actually having to experience the full negativity of it. So this blog is a series of mini stories from my past which have tools for ascension that will hopefully help at least one person in the future. If I can help at least one person, then I will be happy to have helped at all. Follow me on my journey of absolute chaos and many many new beginnings which always begin exactly were you are now!

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